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Global Gold Corp. Threatening YEZIDI Community with Toukhmanuk Gold Mine

ECOLUR reports:

Yazidis Applied to OSCE Yerevan Office Head for Toukhmanuk Tailing Dump

11:20 September 25, 2014


Ambassador Andrey Sorokin, the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, received “Sinjar” Yezidi National Unity representatives and discussed the construction of the third tailing dump for Tukhmanuk ore dressing plant by “Mego Gold” Company. “The ambassador attached much importance to this issue and said they will work in this direction within their competencies,” said Boris Tamoyan, Chairman of “Sinjar” Yezidi National Unity.

Because of tailing dump construction these villages will be deprived of any opportunity to deal with husbandry and will directly emigrate from Armenia, as they won’t have any chance for earning their living,” Boris Tamoyan said and added that these villages are not recognized as project affected, which is a gross violation of the law.

Aparan Aarhus Center Head Natalya Manukyan mentioned that “In March 2014 we sought to make the residents of Rya-Taza aware of having a tailing dump not far from them and the heavy metals of this tailing dump accumulating in Halavar reservoir. We wanted to show them the findings of the research, but the village head didn’t want to see us at all. We had meetings with the residents, who got surprised.”

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