The TOUKHAMNUK GOLD MINE License is coming up for renewal on February 28, 2015 and Global Gold Corp (OTCmarkets:GBGD) may lose the license. Frankly they should lose the license since they have failed to meet their contractual obligations under the terms of their mining contract. GBGD, has failed to mine 153,000 tones of ore through open pit operations and 1,095,250 tones od ore through underground mining operations. In fact, according to Government of Armenia RECORDS, GBGD only mined 86,400 tones of ore from open pit operations at the Toukhmanuk gold mine between 2006 - 2012. Nowhere near the 1,259,400 tones of ore required to be mined under the terms of the mining license issued in 2006. Even the local community opposes GBGD's subsidiary, Mego-Gold, to build a third tailings dam in the area to support future plans to operate the mine exclusively as an open pit operation. They failed to follow the terms of the first mining contract and now they want to be rewarded with ...