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PART III: Van Krikorian Authorizes Their Lawyer in Armenia to File Bogus Criminal Complaint

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On September 11, 2010 Mr. Hrayr Ghukassyan, the legal counsel for Global Gold in Armenia was authorized to file a bogus criminal complaint against me. During September 2010 Global Gold was claiming it was negotiating in good faith to settle the dispute between them and Caldera. Instead they were planing an attack in Armenia and to cancel the JV Agreement between the parties in the US. The JV was unilaterally cancelled by Global Gold on October 7, 2010 but they did not make it public till October 15, 2010, and breached SEC rules.

All their claims were thrown out by the Police investigators on August 24, 2011. There was no evidence of a constitution of any crime. The Police stated that the nature of the complaints are of a civil matter. Below is an extract of the Police conclusion. See Part V for more detailed information.

Thus, it was substantiated by the sufficient combination of evidences obtained as a result of investigation that there are no elements of theft of the shares of “Marjan Mining Company” LLC cheatingly using forged documents by Vasilios Mavridis, the Chairman of the Board of Managers of “Marjan Caldera Mining Company” LLC and by the company’s representative Azat Vartanian as well as there are no elements of abusing by them and Artur Azaryan, the senior specialist of Nork-Marash territorial division of the Agency of the State Register of Legal Entities under the Ministry of Justice of the RA of authorities of the organization’s employees as stated in the applications and testimonies of A. Poghosyan and H. Ghukasyan, no property damage has been caused to the state, any physical person or legal entity, the dispute and relations between “Global Gold Mining” and “Caldera Resources Inc.” derive from the agreement executed by them and are of a civil nature. 
Based on the aforementioned and following Clause 2, Part 1 of Article 35, Articles 102, 261-263 of the RA Civil Procedure Code 


1. To terminate the proceedings of this criminal case and surrender criminal prosecution with the substantiation that there are no criminal elements in the actions of Vasilios Mavridis, Azat Vartanian and Artur Azaryan. 

2. To refuse petition of H. Ghukasyan and A. Poghosyan on recognizing “Global Gold Mining” LLC as the injured party. 

3. To send the copy of the Decision to V. Mavridis, A. Vartanian, A. Azaryan, A. Poghosyan and H. Ghukasyan, to explain them the procedure of appealing the Decision. 

4. To send the copy of the Decision along with the criminal case to the RA Prosecutor General’s Office for verification of legality of termination. 
Deputy Chief of the Division 1,
Department of Investigation of Especially Important Cases of GID of the RA Police
Lieutenant-colonel of the Police

After the complaint was filed, Mr. Ghukassyan started a letter writing campaign to the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenian,the Hon. Armen Movsisyan, demanding that:
"Taking into account the above-mentioned and considering the significance of legal procedures initiated by the Company, I hereby ask you to abstain from any acts relating to “Marjan Mining Company” LLC, including provision of any documents, until the competent authorities deliver a decision on merits, since it may have adverse impact on the exploitation projects of the mine."

Considering that Global Gold filed criminal complaint on September 11, 2010 and filed a law suit against the State Registry to undo the registration of the transfer of the shares they demanded that the Ministry not cooperate with Caldera or provide them any documents.




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