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That's what Mr. Van Z. Krikorian said to me and my brother (John Mavridis) in October 2010 while we were trying to resolve the dispute between Global Gold and Caldera.  Little did I know that he was serious and that his scheme was already put in place weeks before!

Mr. Van Z. Krikorian, the Corporate Counsel of Global Gold Corporation, authorized his lawyer in Armenia Mr. Hrayr Ghukassyan, to file a criminal complaint against me for theft and fraud on September 15, 2010, for allegedly stealing the shares of Marjan Mining Company.

Below is the signed complaint filed by Global Gold Mining, the subsidiary of Global Gold Corporation (GBGD) that was filed with the Prosecutor of Yerevan City, Mr. Badalyan.

Translated from Armenian

To: Mr. Badalyan,

Prosecutor of Yerevan city

From: Hrayr Ghukasyan

Global Gold Mining LLC

Representative of the Armenian Branch

Address: 2a/2 Tumanyan, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Tel: 010 52-94-18, 093 988-797

Consider and report to:

A. Hakobyan
Global Gold Mining (GGM) ( is an international company and a foreign investor in the Republic of Armenia, engaged in mineral mining in Armenia and Chile. GGM has already invested about USD 10 million in Armenia. GGM operates in Armenia, acting as a participant, shareholder and investor of the companies licensed by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia. The Company has four exploration areas in Armenia: Tokhmanuk (Aragatsotn region), Getik (Gegharkunik region), Hankavan (Kotayk region) and Marjan (Syunik region). 
The special mining license of Marjan is held by Marjan Mining Company, LLC, and 100% of its shares are owned by Global Gold Mining. 
In 2010, within the framework of making investments for the exploration and further exploitation of Marjan property, Global Gold Mining entered into joint venture with the Canadian company.  As a result Marjan-Caldera Mining, LLC joint venture was formed.
Parties obtained a number of arrangements, including in writing with regard to their further economic operations of the joint venture and exchanged documents. 
However, in August 2010, the representative of Marjan-Caldera Mining, LLC - by violating the joint venture agreement and the legislative requirements of the Republic of Armenia, abusing and acting beyond the power of attorney issued by Marjan Mining Company, LLC, using falsified documents, failing to submit documents required by the law, illegally using the seal - registered the amendments to the Charter of Marjan Mining Company, LLC and change of the executive director in Nork-Markash Territorial Division of State Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Armenia. As a result, Global Gold Mining, LLC has been illegally deprived of 100% of shares of Marjan Mining Company, LLC; i.e. its ownership and its right to manage the Company. 
Based on the above-mentioned, Global Gold Mining, LLC finds that the mentioned circumstances and the factual data in confirmation thereof contain elements of an act not authorised by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, and I hereby ask you to examine the facts specified in the message and settle the issue of initiating a criminal case. 
All relevant documents are with the Nork-Marash Territorial Division of the State Register of Legal Entities under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, and all other information will be provided immediately upon request of the competent authorities.    
Global Gold Mining, LLC
Representative of the Armenian Branch
H. Ghukasyan

The Claim states I, Vasilios (Bill ) Mavridis, the CEO of Caldera Resources, at that time, my Manger in Armenia, Mr. Azat Vartanyan, and the Senior Officer of the State Registry office, Mr. Artur Azaryan,  falsified documents, used illegal corporate seal, illegally registered documents and "illegally deprived of 100% of shares of Marjan Mining Company, LLC; i.e. its ownership and its right to manage the Company."   WHAT A BUNCH OF HOOEY !

All that Caldera did was register the transfer of the shares of Marjan Mining Company (Armenia) from Global Gold Mining (Delaware)  to the Joint Venture, Marjan-Caldera Mining (Delaware)  per the Joint Venture Agreement.  The shares were officially transfered as per signed resolutions of the Boards of Caldera and Global Gold on June 18, 2010.

In my opinion, when Caldera took control of Marjan Mining Company, as was anticipated by the JV, Global Gold went ballistic, because I don't believe they ever wanted us to have the project, all they wanted to do was scam Caldera out of $150,000 cash. 

The Prosecutor's office transferred the file to the police for review. The initial investigator assigned to the case was Ms. Diana Vardanyan, the preliminary investigator of the police office of the Central district of Yerevan performed the initial investigation. Azat Vartanian met with the investigator a couple of times. The last time was October 21, 2010.

For some reason that investigator Ms. Diana Vardanyan, was removed and replaced by Ms. A. Iskandaryan, of the Central Department of the Yeravan City Police, and the investigation restarted. On October 27, 2010 a summons was issued to my Manager, Azat Vartanyan to appear for questioning.

After several "KGB" style interrogations it appeared to Mr. Azat Vartanyan, our Manager in Armenia, that this bogus case would be dropped.  It wasn't.

A decision to institute criminal proceedings was signed on November  3, 2010 by Deputy Prosecutor A. Afandyan. (These Prosecutor's Decisions are kept confidential and are kept that way till after the investigation is closed or goes to trial. So how did we get a copy of this Decision? Well from Van Z. Krikorian himself, from an email on November 5, 2010. This has the odour of corruption).

But the Police Investigator found no evidence of a crime


After the Police found no evidence of a crime and the Deputy Prosecutor closed the case on August 28, 2011, Mr. Hrayr Ghukassyan filed an appeal of the decision to the Prosecutor. The appeal was rejected on September 13, 2011 and the file closed. That's 12 months from the initial filing of this bogus complaint.

But the words of Mr. Van Krikorian's threats that 
"you, your brother and Azat will all go to jail" 
echoed in the background.

On September 26, 2011, Global Gold filed a formal Appeal of the Prosecutor's decision in Court:
[Excerpts] Translated from Armenian 

To: Court of General Jurisdiction

of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan city

From: Hrayr Ghukasyan

Representative, Advocate of Global Gold Mining, LLC  


The appeal is filed against the Decision rendered by L. Tadevosyan on 13 of September 2011, the Prosecutor of Corruption and Organized Crime Department of General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Armenia on refusal of the appeal filed by the representative of Global Gold Mining, LLC against the Decision rendered by Ed. Hakobyan on 23 of August 2011, Deputy Head of the 1st Division of the Department of Especially Important Cases of the General Investigation Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia on Dismissing the criminal proceedings with regard to the case No 13201810 and not initiating criminal prosecution. 

Claim of the Appeal:

Having regard to the above-mentioned and guided by Article 18 of the Constitution of theRepublic of Armenia, Article 263(2) and Article 290 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia, I hereby ask you to render a decision on the obligation of the prosecution authority to eliminate the violation of human rights and freedoms; i.e. withdraw the illegal, groundless and unjustified decision rendered by L. Tadevosyan on 13 of September 2011, the Prosecutor of Corruption and Organized Crime Department of General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Armenia on Refusal of the appeal filed by the representative of Global Gold Mining, LLC against the Decision on Dismissing the criminal proceedings and not initiating criminal prosecution and consequently the illegal, groundless and unjustified decision rendered by Ed. Hakobyan on 23 of August 2011, Deputy Head of the 1st Division of the Department of Especially Important Cases of the General Investigation Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia on Dismissing the criminal proceedings with regard to the case No 13201810 and not initiating criminal prosecution and reinstitute the preliminary investigation of the criminal case.  

Enclosed are:The power of attorney of the representative of “Global Gold Mining” LLCThe copy of the Decision rendered by Ed. Hakobyan on 23 of August 2011, Deputy Head of the 1st Division of the Department of Especially Important Cases of the General Investigation Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia on Dismissing the criminal proceedings with regard to the case No 13201810 and not initiating criminal prosecution.  

26 September, 2011Representative of Global Gold Mining, LLC

He lost that claim and then filed an appeal to the Appeal Court of Armenia, Criminal Division.

He lost that appeal and then filed a final appeal to the Cassation Court of Armenia, Criminal Division.

That appeal was reject too.

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